BIONET - Biocentric Research Network

Pengembangan dan Uji Validasi Modul Tanzpro-Biodanza untuk SubjekAnak-Anak Indonesia

Author:Sari, Annatagia, Widiasmara, & Stueck
Date: 2021

This study aims to validate the TANZPRO-Biodanza module developed by Stueck & Villegas in 1998. The original module was first validated in 1998 by Stueck, Villegas, Schroder, Terren, Toro, Sack, Balzer, Mazarella, and Toro. TANZPRO-Biodanza is part of the concept of the School of Empathy, a concept that integrates the concept of nonverbal communication from Martha Rosenberg and the TANZPRO-Biodanza biosentric paradigm from Rolando Toro. TANZPRO-Biodanza is a training that allows participants to experience the importance to feel and regulate of their emotions. This research used educational research design Borg dan Gall (dalam Simoneau, 2007). The subjects in this study were 10 boys and girls aged 9-10 years. Four TANZPRO-Biodanza sessions were given to children: Spain session, Egypt session, Tanzania session, and China session. Data collection uses observation and interviews. The module validating results showed that language translation is in good category (score 75 - 92.5 from the range of assessment scores 0-100). In addition, most sessions can be applied to the subject of Indonesian children. But there are still sessions that need to be adapted to Indonesian culture.

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