Bionet Research - International Biocentric Research Academy

BIONET - Biocentric
Research Network

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Bionet Trainings, Extensions & Conferences

On the topic of Biodanza and Science, there are several opportunities for further education. These include training in evidence-based biocentric trainings, conferences and the IBFed Extension "Biodanza & Science".

Science meets Arts

BIONET Conferences

In the course of time, some conferences have been established, always focusing on the connection between Biodanza experience and science. On the following links you will find the contents of the conferences.
Master in Biodanza and Science

BIONET Extensions

Extensions are an additional possibility to continue your education after the Biodanza training. These extensions are proofed by the IBFed. Here you can find more information and contact the Supervisors.

Basics of BIONET
Conceptos básicos de BIONET

Penguin & Polar Bear

Pingüino y oso polar

Here you can find the Pengiun & Polar Bear Paradigm. This is the base of BIONET.

Aquí se encuentra el Paradigma Pengiun y Oso Polar. Esta es la base de BIONET.
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Videos - Biodanza research

Vídeos - investigación en Biodanza

Here you can find some Videos about Biodanza and Biocentric Sciences.

Aquí puede encontrar algunos vídeos sobre Biodanza y Ciencias Biocéntricas.
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BIONET Activities

Actividades de BIONET

Here you can download a conclusion of the biodanza related scientific work.

Aquí puede descargar una conclusión del trabajo científico relacionado con la biodanza.
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